So we all have to go through this scary process once or many times in our lives and that’s facing an interview. Often confused how our interview is going to be and what is it about, owing to this lack of knowledge we tend to goof up. So in order to avoid this last minute stress let’s try to understand what is an interview and its types.
In simple terms, an interview is a process of selecting a suitable candidate for a desired profile. The employer asks you certain questions about your life, career and personality and seeks certain qualities in you like Communication Skills, Convincing Power, Flexibility, Technical Competency, Determination and Persistence etc.
Sounds tough right!? However it all becomes easy once we get to know what kind of interview we are going to face. ‘Cos,if we prepare properly for our job interview, we can get rid of the nervousness and show the interviewer why they must hire us.
So let’s learn the types of interviews
First is the telephonic interview, it is a process in which the employer calls you up to have a conversation over the call. This call may be from the HR of the company with some series of questions. Your responses to the questions will help them decide whether they should call you for the next round of interview or not. So be cordial in answering the call when your phone rings the next time displaying an anonymous number.
Often known as personal interview, this involves two people, you and the interviewer where the interviewer asks you certain standard set of questions.
Alike the face to face interview, the panel interview has not one but two to three interviewers who take up your interview, each judging you on their own scale and parameters. The advantage one has in a panel interview is that it is free of any kind of bias which may crop up in a face to face interview. Each interviewer tries to judge you on your personality, knowledge, strengths and weaknesses and together they come up with a fairer judgement.
In this type of interview, several candidates along with you sit and asked to interact with each other usually in the form of Group Discussion. You might even be given a task to do as a team, so make sure you speak up and give your opinion.
In this kind of interview, there may be series of interviews with different people in the same organization. Usually each interviewer asks set of questions to check your competency for the job, if in case you are asked the same question by two different interviewers, make sure to answer the same what you answered to the previous interviewer.
Written by: Ruchi Chauhan
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