Comprehensive Spoken English


The Spoken English Classes modules are interspersed with a plethora of value-added courses, a few being:

Workshops on personality development by visiting faculty from renowned institutes and organisations. Table manners classes conducted by hotel management professors. Workshops on communication skills by I.I.M professors. Workshops on personal space management and body language by veteran theatre personalities.


What does the ACL bring to you?

In Spoken English Classes, Reading, listening, writing, and speaking skills are sharpened.

The student can now move with ease through different social echelons.

He can confidently take on the corporate world

He can address the nation with panache.

He can give superb presentations.

No longer daunted by interviews and group discussions

Can confidently face call center interviews and the BPO’S

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ACL Module


This module aims to remove grammatical errors so as to enable the students to speak simple and correct English. It concentrates on the main parts of the language: Grammar, Vocabulary and Pronunciation.

Suitable for : Beginners

Summary of Modules covered

This course prepares the students for greater challenges and sharpens their language skills. Student learns to construct impressive sentences. Their fluency increases and comprehension improves.


The course begins with helping the student in clearing basic grammar problems. Along with this, essential grammar needed for spoken English is taught and tenses are made student friendly through the innovative use of boxes.


Grammar is put in practical use through one to one picture reading conversation, basic translations, prepared topics and situational topics.


When the students are in-tune with the basic grammar and conversational techniques their vocabulary is built.

This is done by:
  • Easy, situation related vocabulary .
  • Oral as well as written practice is given of grammar based vocabulary words.
  • Vocabulary is memorized through games and quiz.

Now the student is ready to move on a step further. This part of the course helps the student work on his pronunciation. For any person who is not a native English speaker it is important to learn the nuances of spoken English. For this our specialized trainers use the following:

  • Audio + video classes.
  • Specialized software to help bring speech perfection.

At the end of the course students start expressing themselves in correct and simple sentences. They are more confident and do not shy from talking in English.


This is a step further from the module 1 and in this course the student is able to enhance his knowledge of English both spoken as well as written.

Suitable for : Moderate speakers

Summary of Modules covered

This course covers various aspects of English for beginners who want to brush up their knowledge and need to get some of their basics cleared.
The focus is on building grammar ,vocabulary , pronunciation and conversation skills of the student which helps him become more confident.

  • The students will now move into advanced levels of grammar which will be overtly functional.

  • Supervised conversation lessons to put grammar in practice.

  • To revise and make grammar fun, games and “grammar gymnastics” used.

  • IDIOMS, PHRASES, MODEL SENTENCES + EXPRESSIONS form an important part of the classroom session.

  • Conversation skills are enhanced through group discussions, presentations, and story narrations.

  • Fluency building techniques are introduced.

  • Public speaking is encouraged so that each student is able to gain confidence to speak in the language.

  • Grilling sessions are made compulsory.

  • Vocabulary building is functional yet more advanced and lengthy.

  • Games and vocabulary drill sessions are introduced.

  • Memory aids are taught to help retain vocabulary that is enhanced in these sessions.

  • Pronunciation and intonation drills are introduced alongwith voice and accent training.

  • Elocutions, column reading and drama presentations are added.

At the end of this course you become a more confident and fluent speaker of English and are more familiar with the nuances of the language.


This is the third and the last module after the completion of which the student becomes proficient.

Suitable for : Advanced learners

Summary of Modules covered

This course prepares the students for greater challenges and sharpens their language skills. Student learns to construct impressive sentences. Their fluency increases and comprehension improves.

  • Advanced and functional.

  • Games and Grammar drills continue to make grammar enjoyable.

  • Modal sentences.

  • Idioms .

  • Expressions .

  • Famous quotations .

  • GDs and debates are emphasized and encouraged.

  • Presentation and public speaking skills are taught by professionals.

  • Mock interviews are conducted.

  • Story and column reading is made compulsory

  • Management games are also introduced

  • Panel discussions are conducted.

  • Audio + video classes become more advanced.

  • Hi Tech gadgets are used to hone speech perfection.

  • Foreign guests are invited to interact with students.

  • Vocabulary taught is advanced and etymological.

  • Words based on names from English literature, the Holy Bible, and Greek mythology are focused upon.

  • Words taken from different languages are also introduced.

  • Professional vocabulary and specialized terminology are stressed upon.

  • Business English vocabulary is taught.

  • Portmanteau words are also included.


At the end of this module you will be able to speak good English coupled with a rich and powerful vocabulary not only your vocabulary has reached new and very advanced levels, you also are able to express yourself freely in the language.

ACL Achievements

Global Education Conclave Award 2019

Won the Prime Time Media Research Pvt. Ltd “Global Education Conclave Award 2019” in the vertical of providing the best services in Spoken English   and Personality Development in U.P

Enriching contribution in education field

Our senior faculty member and Center Head, Mr. Manish Malhotra, was recognized for the enriching contribution in the field of education by Seth G.D. Goenka Public School.


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