Importance of good communication skills in the workplace

What is effective workplace communication?

Effective communication occurs when a message is sent and received accurately. A simple belief that you are communicating information and passing the messages properly in your workplace may not necessarily mean that it is effective.

Workplace communication is an important element to achieving better understanding and productivity. It ensures that employees are confident with the work at hand and are correctly undertaking the work.

4 Communication tools at the workplace

Communication systems in the workplace have become very complex. There are multiple communication channels organizations use to keep their employees updated and informed.

1. Email

Emails have been a popular and classic way to communicate in an office from peer-to-peer or B2B. with the advancements in technology things have been evolving and managers and professionals are quite comfortable with Video calling and face-to-face conversations better.

2. Messaging

In the event of managing remotely, messaging is often needed after a phone call to recap what was said—a good idea when you want to ensure your employee has understood everything. It gets faster and ensures deliverables as per the need.

3. Video Conferencing

Now with so much WFH (work from home) happening, it is the best alternative to a physical meeting, they want to see body language, facial expressions, eye contact, and everything else that you’d pick up on from face-to-face communication.

4. Phone

You may find it old-fashioned though every company needs it. You need a business phone to connect on a quick call with a colleague, or need a centralized number for customers and clients to call in order to get a problem resolved.

5 ways to communicate better at the workplace

1. Meetings

It is the most common way to better communicate, it is simple but the hardest to practice even for the top ladder too. When employees feel that they are being listened to they feel more involved and valued. This can help to improve employee engagement.

2. Precise Communication

Time is the most important asset in today’s world and at the workplace is of utmost importance, instead of dragging out your discussion, it’s pertinent to keep the discussion short and to the point for effectiveness.

3. Communication style

Refining your communication style can be of great help, this can be well defined by responding to your customers, colleagues or employees be deciding the frequency and tool for communicating like messaging, phone call, or video call.

4. Clarification

If the skill of asking questions could be imparted since schooling days it would be a great start. Most organizations bear the brunt of assumptions and presumptions. Sometimes a simple clarifying question can avert the mistakes.

5. Open-mindedness

By keeping an open mind you’re willing to enter into a dialogue with someone whose opinion you may not agree with, and you may surprise yourself by the end of it. Your conversations will be more honest and productive too.

There’s no harm in accepting the trouble areas as we are living in the world of interdependence, acceptance is in itself liberation so do not fight shy of asking some colleague, senior, or any professional institute to help you become better - Check Our Professional (Live Online Course)

This is the most desired skill of all times and its importance is fadeless, however, its forms change with the advancement in technology.

Keep learning and updating!

  Written by: Manish Malhotra

1 Comment

[…] and receiving messages. One may communicate orally, through writings, non verbally, etc, but to communicate effectively is a skill which he/ she should learn and imbibe continuously over the years. Some ways to improve […]