Learning English is something that has seemed to have become not only a need but also a desire for many. The reason is quite obvious. You NEED IT WHEREVER YOU GO. But the common question that we all face is how to work upon English or how to improve this foreign language. Before we get started let’s look into what we require to master a language
Here I am going to illustrate 5 ways to improve on your English:

One common fact that turns out to be a hindrance in improving our language is that we are sacred of making errors. Never do that. You need to commit errors to improve. Unless you commit errors, you won’t know what to improve.

Try repeating certain sentences again and again. For example try saying this “The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday.” Quite tough. But this will help you gain the required frequency. You can try some of the tongue twisters like ” betty bought a butter.. etc. if you are able to speak these twisted sentences fluently you will be able to speak normal sentences fluently too.

If you keep forgetting grammar rules keep a small diary handy. It would serve to be mini solution to your problems aka MINI GRAIL. Whenever you get time you can refer to it and revise rules you can do the same for the vocabulary words and also phrasal verbs. This will help you in recalling and retaining things easily.

Accent is something that does come easy to people and also it highly depends on your native tongue. To work on it try copying accent of native speakers, dialogues from famous movies, news anchors etc. For example, try speaking Joey’s favorite “How ya doing?” (F.R.I.E.N.D.S). This will help you in speaking like native speakers and learning how to blend the words and speak effectively.

Don’t miss out an opportunity to speak in English try using it wherever you can. With friends, at restaurants, movie theaters, inquiry office. The more you talk the better you become. You can practice the skill set that you have learnt or some
new vocabulary through this. Learning English is a journey. The deeper you delve into the ocean better the content you find. Above points are just drops in ocean to help you. Keep reading and keep learning. Ciao for now.
Written by: Anchal Upadhyay
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4 Reasons Why British & American English Sound Different
December 22, 2017[…] of England still have rhotic pronunciation as part of their regional accents. Basically, if you speak English from London, you sound […]